What Makes You an Effective Leader in Crisis Situations?

By David De Cremer

For many organizational leaders and entrepreneurs, the coronavirus crisis represents a very challenging environment to lead and motivate their teams.

What do you tell them to ensure the company keeps going and that there can be light seen at the end of the tunnel? What should your people be doing while the health crisis paralyses society and the business world?

I list four principles leaders should stick to in leading their team members to keep their company relevant to the outside world.


1. Stay in touch with your customers

Relationships, like humans, need to be fed else they cease to exist. Even though you cannot deliver tangible value to them, it is worthwhile to keep your customers and other stakeholders informed about where your company is at. Crisis situations can bond people, so, in a similar vein, staying connected with your primary stakeholders can strengthen relationships.


2. Look for creative ways to reflect the values and quality of your organisation and keep your stakeholders involved in this movement

How you act under situations of crisis says something about who you are. And, indeed, when the pressure is on, people believe that your real personality reveals itself. A crisis situation therefore in a sense helps to come to grips of what you really care about and what can be improved if needed. If there is a time that it is important to walk the talk, then it is now. How you act now will decide the credentials that you will receive from others.


3. It’s time to experiment and fail (!) and learn (!), because if not now, then when?

Crisis situations are extraordinary times and therefore standardized ways of working will usually not be effective anymore. With a crisis comes the challenge to get the creative juices going. It will be of essence to explore how to adapt to a changing context and be able to create value. Unfortunately, because a crisis situation increases uncertainty, the default of most leaders will be to shy away from the unknown. Hence, most companies will stick to the status quo and wait until the crisis is over. Such a response is always a missed opportunity. Indeed, when a crisis is over, many things will not be the same as before. As such, the old ways of working may not be sufficient anymore. If you have not experimented and learned from failures when the crisis was in place, you are not prepared to meet new demands from your stakeholders (induced by the mere fact there was a crisis) and miss out on new growth opportunities.


4. Don’t make any hard deals as nothing can be guaranteed today (what worked in the past may not be the case anymore in the near future)

Because many leaders prefer to stick to the status quo when the crisis is at its peak, their focus remains on how to get deals. And, if that’s not possible, at least not change anything. Both ways of working are in a way a loss of time and effort. During the crisis situations, most customers will not spend, and, hence, you will not be able to make hard deals. Second, if you then not explore and experiment to prepare for business after the crisis is over, you run the risk to be an outdated and inflexible company that has not learned and moved on since the crisis happened. And, be aware, your customers will know.

About the Author

David De Cremer is the Provost chair and professor in management and organizations at NUS Business School, National University of Singapore. He is the founder and director of the Center on AI Technology for Humankind at NUS Business school; which is a platform developing research and education promoting a human-centered approach to AI development. Before moving to NUS, he was the KPMG endowed chaired professor in management studies at Judge Business School, University of Cambridge. He is named one of the World’s top 30 management gurus and speakers in 2020 by the organization GlobalGurus and has published over more than 250 articles and book chapters. He is also a best-selling author with his book Huawei: Leadership, culture and connectivity” having sold more than one million copies. His newest book “Leadership by algorithm: Who leads and who follows in the AI era?” will be out in print in May 2020.


The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of All China Review.


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