Can China Broker Peace in Yemen – and Further Beijing’s Middle East Strategy in the Process

Can China Broker Peace in Yemen – and Further Beijing’s Middle East Strategy in...

By Mahad Darar After nearly a decade of grinding conflict, Yemen looks to be inching toward a peace deal. Talks between the Houthi movement controlling much of...
Saudi Arabia and China, two flags waving against blue sky

China’s Latest Diplomatic Move Will Extend Its Trade, Energy, Financial and Maritime Power

By Jose Caballero China’s billions of dollars in global investments and infrastructure projects seem to be paying off politically and economically. Just recently, Honduras signalled it is set...
COVID Is Running Rampant in China – But Herd Immunity Remains Elusive

COVID Is Running Rampant in China – But Herd Immunity Remains Elusive

By Adam Kleczkowski After nearly three years of keeping COVID under control, China is experiencing a massive new wave of COVID infections. The official figures reporting 60,000...
How China’s response to zero-COVID protests could affect global business

How China’s Response to Zero-Covid Protests Could Affect Global Business

By Stephen Morgan The recent protests in China against the country’s zero-COVID policy have been unprecedented in their scale, intensity and distribution. Protestors numbering in...

As Apec Winds Up, ‘Summit Season’ Brought Successes but Also Revealed the Extent of...

By Nick Bisley Every November, the annual summit meetings of Asia’s key regional institutions attracts the world’s attention. The APEC leaders’ meeting started the trend...

China Property Crisis: Why the Housing Market is Collapsing – and the Risks to...

By Zhirong Ou China has been trimming interest rates recently – in contrast to other major economies – as it tries to stem the economic effects of its zero-COVID policy and...
China (1)

China: How Does The Uk’s Power To Push Back Against The Rising Superpower Really...

By Robert M. Dover The EU has been at the forefront of political efforts to work with and check the threats represented by China to...
china inflation outlook

An Assessment on China’s Inflation Trend and Outlook

By Wei Hongxu In the quarterly meeting of its monetary policy committee, the People's Bank of China (PBoC) repeatedly mentioned price stabilization in its policy...

What Drives Chinese Migrants to Ghana: It’s Not Just an Economic Decision

By Jinpu Wang Over the past two decades, there have been many debates about China’s growing engagement in Africa. In these discussions, the more than one million Chinese...

“Corridor-ising” Impact Along the Belt and Road: Is the Newly Operational China-Laos Railway a...

On 3 December 2021, amid the global surge of the Omicron variant, the China-Laos Railway (CLR), under construction since 2016, launched its maiden run...