By Steven G. Rogelberg and Micaela Zebroski
With our calendars booked, the thought of adding an additional, regularly occurring meeting on top of all we do likely fills us with dread. In this article, an additional meeting type is introduced that we should indeed consider finding time for and prioritising, given its potential to improve employee experience and your leadership effectiveness. It is the skip-level one-on-one meeting. “Skip-level” refers to a short, regularly occurring meeting between a team member and their manager’s manager. In other words, a meeting between you, and the directs of your directs. Skip-levels can serve a host of purposes for you, including:
- Getting a pulse on what’s happening. This is a unique opportunity for employees to share feedback on their projects, teams, and the organisation. This includes feedback on the supervision they are receiving from their manager. This is not meant to spy on a manager. Rather, it’s an opportunity to address concerns in a constructive manner before they may manifest in derailment or turnover. Overall, you can learn from those on the ground and on the front lines, which is just so critical, as you may be quite far removed from this perspective.
- Building trust and relationships with those lower in your organisation. This serves to increase feelings of inclusion, engagement, and commitment to the organisation. Relatedly, skip-levels serve to make you more human and approachable to your indirects. Overall, it demonstrates that you value the broader team.
- Share information in a more personal way. This can be information about the organisation. It also can be counsel on career development, which could be extremely valuable to the recipient. Basically, in the eyes of your skip-level directs, you likely have reached a career level they aspire to. Hearing from you and hearing your counsel is meaningful.
- Getting feedback on ideas you might have. Skip-level team members have a nuanced and valuable perspective on ideas and feedback on initiatives. It is a great way of testing out thoughts and getting perspectives from those not in your immediate sphere.
In our initial research on the topic, 55 per cent of respondents indicated not having skip-levels, and 45 per cent said they currently have regular skip-levels. Skip-levels are clearly happening for many, but not the majority. For those having them, there was a great deal of variability around how frequently they occur. The most typical cadence was once a quarter. We then asked respondents if they think these skip-levels are valuable to them. The responses were very positive, with 62 per cent saying “yes”, 29 per cent saying “somewhat”, and 9 per cent saying “no”.
Overall, skip-levels give you an opportunity to gather and share information, make meaningful connections, and really dive into what’s happening in your organisation. They also communicate that people are valuable and worth your time. They are an investment in your broader team. If implemented properly, the time commitment can be quite modest, but the gains quite robust.
Implementing Skip-Level Meetings
There are a number of steps to take to implement and make your skip-levels a success.
Step 1: Clearly communicate with your managers
From our interviews with senior-level managers about skip-levels, there’s one thing that all agree on: tell your managers in advance. It’s critical to loop them in to mitigate feelings of being undermined. The conversation should discuss your new initiative, what it means for them, and assure them that it’s not to go behind them, but to help with team and organisational success. It could sound like this:
“I’m beginning a new initiative called skip-level meetings. They’ll serve to give me a pulse on team members that don’t directly report to me, allow me to gain awareness of any issues or roadblocks they may be having, and to gain additional perspectives on the inner workings of the business. These conversations might result in some feedback, but please view this as my investment in everyone’s development, including my own. I’ll do my best to use this information to your advantage and share anything relevant to you. It’s important to know that this is not to undermine you, but rather just an opportunity for me and the team. Please let me know if you have any questions. I’d be happy to discuss this during our next 1:1 meeting.”
Step 2: Send a note to your skip-level team members
Discuss this initiative with your skip-level team members prior to scheduling any meetings. This is especially important if you don’t already have established relationships with these team members. Calibrate their expectations and communicate positive intent by sending an email like this:
“I’m really looking forward to starting skip-level meetings with the team. If you haven’t heard of these before, they’re essentially an opportunity for you and I to meet 1:1, so I can get a better sense of the inner workings of your team, discuss career development opportunities, gather feedback on ideas, and discuss any roadblocks that I may be able to help remove. I’ll prepare some questions, and I ask that you do the same. We’ll start with what you’d like to discuss – perhaps ideas you have or pain points that I’m not seeing yet – to ensure we make the most of the meeting. To be clear, your manager has been made aware of my new initiative, and I want to make sure everyone is on the same page about this being a development opportunity, and by no means an attempt to undermine your manager. Please let me know if you have any questions!”
An email likes this puts people at ease, promoting psychological safety
and alignment.
Step 3: Schedule them in a manageable way
Pick a scheduling model that gives you access to all skip-level directs, but isn’t too taxing. A rotation strategy comprised of 15-30 minute meetings is most common. These could be quarterly or less, depending on team sizes. The key is to just schedule 1-3 each week, so you are always making progress and reaching everyone over time. I do want to stress, meeting too frequently can be problematic. Remember to respect the chain of command that’s centred around your managers, and not you.
To be efficient, some leaders sometimes do “group skips”, where, instead of 1:1s, a group of indirects attends the meeting. This is fine, it’s just not as personal. Group skips forfeit some personal connection and relationship-building. They’re more about one-way communication, whereas 1:1s are more bidirectional. It all depends on your goals as to whether this approach is viable for you.
Step 4: Conversation flow
Rapport-building is critical in skip-levels. It’s far easier to converse with someone after learning that you share a place of origin, a hobby, children around the same age, etc. This helps to foster connections and to demonstrate your caring about them on an individual level. Next, give the team member space to ask questions they may have on their mind. This clearly communicates that you want the meeting to be about them. Then, move to a set of general questions you can ask to prompt conversation. Here are some examples to consider:
- What’s on your mind?
- What am I not seeing that would be helpful for me to know?
- How would you describe the morale of the office/team?
- How are you feeling about your team?
- What obstacles are you facing in your job that I might be able to help with?
- What would make work better for you?
- What is your level of satisfaction with your career development here? Please explain.
- What’s one thing you would change or do differently in terms of how your team operates/executes goals?
You may or may not decide to segue to questions pertaining to their manager:
What are the best and hardest parts of working with your manager?
- What do you think your manager should do more or less of?
- Does your manager support you accomplishing your goals?
- Can you tell me about any recent situations that you think your manager should have handled differently?
Step 5: Interacting effectively
The heart of interacting effectively is listening carefully, engaging deeply with what is shared, and asking the right questions. Help the skip-level direct feel seen, heard, respected, and understood. There is one key piece to emphasise. In this type of meeting, there are likely going to be issues that your skip-level team members bring to you that fall under their manager’s responsibilities. Rather than taking it on yourself, focus on guiding the skip-level team member through the issue by keeping their manager at the centre of the resolution. This can start by simply asking if they’ve discussed the topic with their manager yet, communicating that their manager should still be the first person they consult for most situations. Overall, you certainly want your skip-level team members to recognise they can share their challenges with you, but also emphasise that their manager should be their first point of contact. If they’re not, it’s important to understand why and then address it. You can then coach their manager on how to develop trust and build their own rapport with their directs.
Step 6: Praise them
Praise is highly valuable and costs nothing. If you hear about someone who is meeting and exceeding their goals or making great efforts, give them recognition. Skip-level meetings provide an excellent platform for doing so. It’s important to remember that, while praise results in psychological safety and making your team members feel valued, it also has a significant impact on a company’s bottom line. Research shows that receiving praise results in a 10-20 per cent difference in revenue and productivity. Conversely, employees who report not being adequately recognised are three times more likely to quit their jobs within the next year.
Step 7: Follow up and follow through
These meetings will hold little value if people feel like nothing happens afterwards. Make it a priority to follow up on any issues that arise during skip-levels, demonstrate how you’re addressing it (if appropriate), and provide updates during a future skip-level once you have something to report.
Avoid the Big Problem
To avoid undermining your managers, always consult them before taking action. Often, the simplest affirmative statements can be misinterpreted as permission. If you do make decisions or give someone permission to do something without consulting the manager, you’re eliminating the chain of command. Your goal is to learn, not replace the managers. Bottom line, do not undermine your own directs by giving your skip-level team members direction without consulting their manager – especially if you are high up in the organisation.
Following all of these steps might feel like a tall order, but remember the potential positive impact that having skip-level meetings can have on your effectiveness as a leader, employee engagement and connection, and the organisation’s culture. It’s an ambitious undertaking, but one that you’ll surely be rewarded for. I will close with this quote I gathered in one of my interviews from an interview with an executive at TIAA: “Skip-levels give you an incredible wealth of info. Gives you an opportunity to really dive and see what is really happening, to validate what you are hearing, make connections, and see what is what. Also, communicates that all are valuable. Counters being unapproachable.”
About the Authors
Dr Steven G. Rogelberg is Chancellor’s professor of organisational science, management, and psychology at the University of North Carolina Charlotte and author of The Surprising Science of Meetings: How You Can Lead Your Team to Peak Performance, listed on over 20 best-book lists. Rogelberg writes and speaks about collaboration, leadership, teams, meetings, and engagement:
Micaela Zebroski is a PhD student in the Organizational Science programme at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, studying under Dr Steven Rogelberg. Before her graduate pursuits, Micaela received a BA in psychology with honours from Connecticut College. Micaela has a particular focus on leadership and skip-level meetings.